About Where’s My Refund? Internal Revenue Service

irs tax refund status

More than half of taxpayers turn to a tax professional for help filing a tax return. While most tax preparers deliver exceptional and professional service, selecting the wrong preparer can lead to financial harm. To track your refund, you will need your Social Security or individual taxpayer ID number, filing status, and the exact refund amount on your 2024 return. Most refunds are issued in less than three weeks after a return is filed, and the IRS typically issues refunds quicker if you file online. The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an independent organization within the IRS that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayers’ rights.

irs tax refund status

More In Refunds

You get personalized refund information based on the processing of your tax return. The tool provides the refund date as soon as the IRS processes your tax return and approves your refund. The IRS will contact taxpayers by mail if more information is needed to process their tax return.

  • You get personalized refund information based on the processing of your tax return.
  • It may seem great to get a big check from the government, but a tax refund tells you that you’ve been overpaying your taxes and living on less of your paycheck throughout the year.
  • The IRS can’t issue EITC or ACTC refunds before mid-February.
  • Direct File can’t handle gig work or rental income, for instance.

Government information

irs tax refund status

We processed your return and adjusted the refund amount that you claimed. You will receive correspondence explaining the adjustment. E-Services for tax professionalsRegister as an approved IRS business partner and conduct business electronically with the IRS. First Time Homebuyer Credit (FTHBC) account look-upCheck your FTHBC account balance and payment history online. IRS Direct FileCheck if you’re eligible for IRS Direct File and file online directly with IRS for free. If there’s not enough information to verify your identity and filing history for the tax year in question, the IRS won’t be able to help you locate the refund.

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When to expect your refund

If you file online and set up direct deposit, you can expect a refund within 21 days. You can check the status of your return and any refund 24 hours after e-filing by visiting the IRS website or IRS2GO app. If you need the funds before your refund will arrive, some top tax-prep companies make no-interest refund advance loans available.

  • The IRS also reminds taxpayers that choosing someone affiliated with a recognized national tax association is always a good option.
  • They pressure people for personal, financial, employment information or money.
  • Again, keep in mind that the IRS deposit dates will vary based on how and when you file your taxes.
  • If a person suspects they are a victim of identity theft, they should continue to pay their taxes and file their tax return, even if they must file a paper return.
  • Taking these steps won’t fast-track your refund, according to the agency, but you may be able to get more information about what’s holding up your refund or return.

There you will also be able to access your expected refund amount, which you’ll need to jot down if you plan to use the „Where’s My Refund?“ tool. Under the federal Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act, the IRS cannot issue Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) refunds before mid-February. Should show an updated status by February 22 for most early EITC/ACTC filers. The IRS expects most EITC/ACTC related refunds to be recording transactions available in taxpayer bank accounts or on debit cards by March 3 if they chose direct deposit and there are no other issues with their tax return. The VITA program offers free tax help to people who generally make $67,000 or less, persons with disabilities and taxpayers whose preferred language is not English.

Where’s My Refund provides a personalized date after the return is processed and a refund is approved. While most tax refunds are issued within 21 days, some may take longer if the return requires additional review. The Internal Revenue Service has started accepting individual 2024 tax returns, and taxpayers should receive their refund within a few weeks after submitting their returns. The IRS updates the status of your refund once a day, usually overnight. Tax-related identity theft occurs when someone uses stolen personal information, including Social Security numbers, to file a tax return claiming a fraudulent refund. If a person suspects they are a victim of identity theft, they should continue to pay their taxes and file their tax return, even if they must file a paper return.

  • The IRS advises taxpayers not to depend on receiving a refund by a specific date, particularly when making significant purchases or paying bills.
  • Check with your financial institution or app provider to see if this is possible and to get the correct routing and account numbers.
  • For more information or to find an LITC near you, see the LITC page on the TAS website or Publication 4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List.
  • That cuts the time spent waiting for the mail and checking your refund status.

irs tax refund status

And wages for a single filer can’t be more than $200,000. Of course, many federal agencies are now roiled by the Trump administration’s controversial goals of shrinking staff size and eliminating programs (more on that below). With approximately 90,000 full-time employees, the IRS stands to lose Airbnb Accounting and Bookkeeping about 17 percent of its workforce with these projected layoffs. Upload documents in response to an IRS notice or letter. If you get a refund you’re not entitled to, promptly return it to us. If your refund is missing or destroyed, request a replacement check.

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There are steps you can take to determine which of the above reasons is most likely — the I don’t have my refund common situation will take you through the possibilities. There are also limits on the types and amount of income you can report. Direct File can’t handle gig work or rental income, for instance.